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When you elect to have sessions:

- You are choosing to increase your OWN energy. 

- Still your mind. 

- Clear Trauma / Grief / Depression / Anxiety / Mental Disorders / Eating Disorders  

- Complete old relationships / Finalise relationships with those who have passed. 

- SWITCH OFF the noise in your head that judges, criticises, assumes, and analysis.  

- Clear digestive, dermatologic, cardiovascular, physical pain, ailments, conditions, disorders, and so forth.

- Prepare for and/or recover from surgery. 

- Set up the energy for land and property including homes/hotels/residences/offices/studios, construction and building sites, farms, gardens, pools/bodies of water, and areas of activity. 

- Enhance sleep.  

- Expand creativity.

- Uncover Purpose.

- Live your TRUE Self; harmoniously and fully, in tranquility, and in greater conscious awareness. 

- Assist your pets.

I support people of all ages as they choose to come out into the World with pure awareness of purpose, and understanding of their TRUE Selves.

A series of sessions is recommended.

Commitment to self, and session work are key.  



Virtual Sessions are via Zoom, or FaceTime. Please let me know which you prefer.  
I use a whiteboard, when needed, to explain and clarify work.

*Absent Sessions have me working alone to support your needs.

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